I sit at home on wooden throne and next to me the Money Mouse. He’s a cunning fella, greyish fur, creeping round, round, round on the ground, and what for? Oh, the bag, my money bag, my old brown money bag. I keep an I on him, night and day, never sleep, but once in a while, oh, I see him bold with a smile, and I know, I know a golden coin is now in the stomach of the lousy old Money Mouse.
I look into the bag, one coin every day!
“No money to count!”, I sigh and I say “Oh, you lousy Money Mouse.”
And then one day, I feel it’s enough, and cry out “Can’t anybody help me?”, but it’s tough and when no one comes I sigh and I cough. But then suddenly I see, in front of me…
The Cashcat.
Golden fur, sparkling shiny, crooked teeth and eyes so tiny. And I jump with a jolt “Hold, hold, hold!”
“Hold on, you mean?”, he said and smiled like he was god and tuned to mild.
“Hold on”, I said, “that’s right, my friend. You come to be my helping hand?”
“Oh dear, I fear you ask to much…”
“No, no, you Cashcat make sure…”
“The Money Mouse won’t touch…”
“The treasure, the pleasure, the leasure as such!”
“Alright, you’re the boss, but I work at a cost.”
“How much do you want of what’s otherwise lost?”
“Two coins every day!” “That’s settled.” “Hurray!”
So I now have a guardian and the Money Mouse stays further away. The Cashcat really works up to his pay. No single time a plan works out that the Money Mouse made up. It leaves me in no doubt. The Cashcat is a capable scout.
The days go by. The days go by. The days, the nights, the days go by. The Money Mouse is gone for good, he left hut and left the hood. No wonder, the Cashcat takes care of all my gold, that never seems to be getting old.
I look into the bag, two coins every day!
“No money to count! No cash to flash!”, I sigh and I say “Oh, you trashy Cashcat.”
And then one day, I feel it’s enough, and cry out “Can’t anybody help me?”, but it’s tough and when no one comes I sigh and I cough. But then suddenly I see, in front of me…
The Treasurebird.
Colourful feathers. Lullaby weathers. Her eyes are a mess. But fair nontheless.
“Oh fair lady”, I say, “I’m struggling hard. The trashy Cashcat seems to be very smart. He knows I need him to guard my gold, so he charges me two coins for every day, just for keeping away the lousy Money Mouse!”
The Treasurebird remains silent.
“Can you help me?”, I plead.
“I can give you a hint.”
“How much do you want?”
“Three coins, for now!” “Oh how, oh how, you pleasurable Treasurebird!”
“You don’t need to pay the Cashcat anymore, as he has eaten the Money Mouse long ago.”
“No Money Mouse to steal my cash?”
“No Cashcat to charge your treasure!”
So gladly I reach into my bag. Three coins remain - oh, it hurts! But I am an honest man, I give them to the Treasurebird. In tears I tear my beg apart they - Cashcat and Treasurebird - laugh and sing, then too they part and I remain with abroken heart.
I look into the bag, three coins today!
“No money to count! No cash to flash! No treasure to measure my pleasure!”, I sigh and I say “Oh, you pleasurable Treasurebird. That hurt!”
And then I feel it’s enough and I whisper “Can anybody help me, please?” Ane I look and I turn and I happen to see some greyish fur that’s creeping round, round, round. And startled I cry out…
“The Money Mouse! The Money Mouse!”
And smiling he walks up to me. And hands me a shiny golden coin.